Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Minor Surgical Exam has been passed?

minor surgery exam picture
One semester ago, I took the minor surgery exams. Actually, now that my group is a group of lucky because we have observed by one of the scary teacher but he did not come. We were guarded by a resident teacher selection. Fortunately, the residents are kind and one of them has a name like mine. LoL.

However, destiny line somehow requires me to deepen the minor surgery. I had to deepen the learning minor surgery and allowed to take exams this semester. At that time, I did make some fatal mistake that is ripping the gloves and do not give anesthesia on a mannequin. If it happens in real patient, he'll really feel pain.

At other times, there is a group that was not lucky. They were guarded by scary lecturer. In addition, the professor was disappointed in the residents who accompanied him. The teacher became bad mood. Only two of the 10 people who graduated. One person is the person who got the first turn when a lecturer has not come, one more person is a person who got the last turn where the professor is back in a good mood.

I got back on the exam schedule today. Two days ago, I studied with some friends who also take the exam again. Last night, I also spend an hour to learn to wear gloves. LoL. I think my fear too much. I do not have time to learn histology whereas today there histology examination.

I intend to get into the group's first turn histology examinations. It is certainly intended that I have enough time to prepare mentally before a minor surgical examinations. I also left home at 06.00. Half an hour later, I arrived at the building's histology and saw there were about a dozen people who queued. My class was a little excessive in such cases, the same as the queue event when choosing elective block. The seconds running and the queue were growing. I was not feeling good because it was very chaotic queue. When the queue is opened, I felt was right. Apparently there are 32 queue numbers. I should be able to get a queue number around 10-20, if these queue regularly. Maybe, chaotic queue culture has become Indonesian icon that has not been claimed by Malaysia. I really wonder why the room was full of ego to self-absorbed. I continue to be patient in waiting for the queue number. Until the remaining approximately 5 numbers, I still do not get a queue number. Enough patience to get there. I lunged forward. There are two numbers in the hands of guards. I let my girlfriend take a number. Suddenly there was the hand that almost took one number remaining. Luckily, her hand is not faster than my hands being in the effects of adrenaline. I told the owner of the hand, "Sorry, I had come earlier than you, right? Today I also have surgical exams." She fell silent. Histology exam passed. Hopefully a good result.

Histology exam finished at 08.30. There is still enough time to prepare for exams minor surgery. Around 10:30, the test begins. I got the third turn. When I entered the exam room, I was nervous. In addition to the sense of a little scary exam, there is also a surgical resident who is quite beautiful. One thing that is rarely seen. LoL. All went well but there was one mistake I did, that is my lack of caution in closing the needle until the needle cap was thrown into the betadine. LoL. Hopefully I can pass exams with good grades. Or do I need to deepen the surgery again until one day I would become a surgeon? For some reason, I still do not match with the surgeon, because I was too afraid to see blood. LoL

Monday, September 28, 2009

Is the mailbox still needed?

In the modern era like today, sending a letter is not a primary means of communication. In a few years ago, a letter is one of important communication tool because there are no sophisticated communications tools like mail and sms. Because existing communication facilities are now more sophisticated, the correspondence was abandoned. Is the trend to install the mailbox would also recede as the decrease in the use of the letter? Trends installation mailbox will never subside because of this equipment can also serve for home decoration. Although the activity decreased delivery of personal letters, a house will look odd if it did not put the mailbox in the yard. In fact, the mailbox can add artistic value of a home owned. If we can choose the appropriate model of mailbox, we will strengthen the value of art in our house. In fact, we can also install a wall mount mailbox to beautify our homes.

What is the function of the mailbox when we rarely get a shipment of paper? Do not forget that this letter is still much needed. Telephone bills, electricity bills and water bills are still sent by mail to our house. Therefore, there is nothing wrong if we stay put mailboxes in front of our house. Make it look more beautiful, even the mailbox store has provided a variety of accessories for the mailbox does not seem monotonous. In addition to individual needs, the Mailbox is also required by a company. This morning I opened the mailbox store website at mailboxixchange.com. It turned out that the store provides a variety of commercial mailboxes. I think a company would need mailboxes to store various important documents. In addition to providing the mailbox, the store was also providing key storage box.

After opening the website, now I want to put Mailboxes in front of my house. I want to have a green mailbox. I think it is very appropriate box placed in the overgrown yard of flowers. Hopefully, after I installed the mailbox, I got a gift from the Google birthday. Hopefully my girlfriend is also more frequent sending letters of love after seeing the mailbox in front of my house.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Google's 11th Birthday, why he visited my blog so often?

Did you know that today is Google's 11th birthday? I realized it when I visited the demang jogloabang. He showed some facts about Google advantages compared to other search engines.

One unusual thing today is Google visited my blog several times. On a typical day, he visited my blog at most once a day. Why today he visited my notes more than three times a day? Does he want to try to practice how to take antibiotics? Hopefully, at his 11th birthday, Google handed out gifts to the bloggers. What a gift you crave most, if Google actually share some birthday gifts?

google visit my blog several timesgoogle so often visit my blog

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Crippling terrorist

tiny terrorist the ratsToday I managed to stifle terrorist which every night disturbing the peace. This incident started because of an incident that happened last night. How chronological occurrence of the arrest this terrorist?

Last night, I woke up at midnight. My laptop is still on. I remembered that at about 20:00 I was writing in my blog about the toenail fungus cure. Since it was a day of sightseeing, I was still tired. I lay down for a while. Warm blanket made me dissolve into a dream.

Middle of the night I just woke up. I went back to writing blogs. Half-hour in front of my laptop, suddenly there was sound, "duump!" All the lights in my house went out. The atmosphere was very dark. Since I was chatting with a friend, I still turn on the laptop about half an hour. With the glow of the phone, I headed to my room at 01.00.

When I was about to enjoy a dream, I heard a noise. I heard some small objects moving. The sound is very noisy. Sometimes I hear the sound of a falling object. I'm really annoyed. Tiny terrorist is really disturbing peace in the middle of the night. Genesis of the most annoying is hairy and tailless creature suddenly touched my hand. I was really surprised. I can not do anything because it was very dark. After that, I'm cool. I let the little terrorist bother me.

Who was the tiny terrorist who broke the silence of the night? Of course he was not Noordin M Top. He is a rat. I decided that I would catch it when the atmosphere was light again.

The hunt began after my breakfast. I was locked my room. Armed with broom, I and my father were hunting the tiny terrorist. Within 15 minutes, the rat was successfully disabled. A broom becomes the victim in the hunt. A broom is now split into three parts. Here are some photos of my room atmosphere after the hunt.

Oops, turns out it's almost 10:00. I had to shower because there syawalan at 11 o'clock in jogloabang.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Alcohol can save patient with brain injury?

alcohol and brain injury
Brain injury is a major cause of death and disability worldwide, especially in children and young adults. In the U.S., every year there are approximately 1.4 million cases of brain injury, 50 thousand people were dead. One of the largest causes of brain injury was traffic accidents. Alcohol is a major risk factor for accidents. Approximately 30% to 50% of all patients admitted to the hospital were still under the influence of alcohol when the accident occurred.

Although it was clear that alcohol is responsible for the occurrence of brain injury, there is still much controversy about how the influence of alcohol to cure patients suffering from brain injury. Several animal studies reported that alcohol worsens the patient's condition. However, there are also studies that estimate that alcohol has a protective effect on the nerve. In 2006, several doctors from the University of Toronto examined the relationship between alcohol and mortality in patients with Severe Traumatic Head Injury.

The results of this study are surprising. In patients who have low levels of alcohol in his blood, it has advantages over those who do not consume alcohol. However, in patients who have high alcohol levels, mortality also increased.

This research is still has many weaknesses. There are some biases, such as starting time bias, comorbidities, time of injury. Alcohol is metabolized quickly. Therefore, patients with a BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentration) greater than 0 at the time of injury may be misclassified as having a BAC of 0 at admission because the alcohol in their blood may be eliminated via metabolism. The researcher minimized this bias by only including patients who arrived directly from the scene of injury. On average, patients arrived at our institution within 1 hour after injury.

Time of injury also biases our results. Alcohol-associated trauma tends to occur during the night and on weekends. Investigators have observed an association between after-hours and weekend hospitalization, and increased mortality. It is presumed that this effect is secondary to the presence of fewer staff, the absence of more experienced staff, and larger relative workloads during these times.

Brain injury is a major cause of death and disability worldwide, especially in children and young adults. In the U.S., every year there are approximately 1.4 million cases of brain injury, 50 thousand people were dead. One of the largest causes of brain injury was traffic accidents. Alcohol is a major risk factor for accidents. Approximately 30% to 50% of all patients admitted to the hospital were still under the influence of alcohol when the accident occurred.

Although it was clear that alcohol is responsible for the occurrence of brain injury, there is still much controversy about how the influence of alcohol to cure patients suffering from brain injury. Several animal studies reported that alcohol worsens the patient's condition. However, there are also studies that estimate that alcohol has a protective effect on the nerve. In 2006, several doctors from the University of Toronto examined the relationship between alcohol and mortality in patients with Severe Traumatic Head Injury.

The results of this study are surprising. In patients who have low levels of alcohol in his blood, it has advantages over those who do not consume alcohol. However, in patients who have high alcohol levels, mortality also increased.

This research is still has many weaknesses. There are some biases, such as starting time bias, comorbidities, time of injury. Alcohol is metabolized quickly. Therefore, patients with a BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentration) greater than 0 at the time of injury may be misclassified as having a BAC of 0 at admission because the alcohol in their blood may be eliminated via metabolism. The researcher minimized this bias by only including patients who arrived directly from the scene of injury. On average, patients arrived at our institution within 1 hour after injury.

Time of injury also biases our results. Alcohol-associated trauma tends to occur during the night and on weekends. Investigators have observed an association between after-hours and weekend hospitalization, and increased mortality. It is presumed that this effect is secondary to the presence of fewer staff, the absence of more experienced staff, and larger relative workloads during these times.

Perhaps alcohol-based resuscitation fluids have a role in rescuing patients with severe head injuries. But, we better avoid head trauma in particular by avoiding alcohol consumption. Instead of spending money to consume alcohol, we'd better learn seo (in Indonesian means belajar seo) to be able to seduce a beautiful girl dressed in sexy bikinis.

Homer C. N. Tien, MD, et al. Association Between Alcohol and Mortality in Patients With Severe Traumatic Head Injury. Arch Surg. 2006;141:1185-1191.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

oes tsetnoc

oes tsetnoc is seo contestI actually understand less about oes tsetnoc. They are two words that really hard to spell. In addition, I also do not know what the meaning of oes and tsetnoc. I check these words in the dictionary but I do not find it. I had thought that two-word name of someone who comes from Russia. Was I correct estimate?

Gradually, I became curious about what is oes tsetnoc. Does oes stand for the Occupational Employment Statistics? I also heard that the OES is one of the independent educational institutions in Portland. But why the word OES is followed by tsetnoc, a very strange word.

I get a clue when I was looking for tsetnoc through Google. I get search results that give rise to multiple domains with the name oes tsetnoc. I predict this could happen because there is a SEO contest. The webmaster will be competing domain that contains keywords oes tsetnoc.

One thing that becomes a question is why they held a seo contest with strange keyword such as oes tsetnoc? This question can be answered easily. Let us consider these terms carefully. What if we read these words from behind? You'll find that the OES tsetnoc can be read into SEO Contest.

Oes Tsetnoc contest was held by promojunkie. This SEO contest with prizes, tens of millions of dollars, but still smaller than the gift of the SEO contest held Joko Susilo. Promojunkie is a webmaster forum. There are some useful SEO tools such as tools for assessing SEO Score, tools to estimate the number of visitors and other webmaster tools.

Competition in this contest will be very tight. This happens because only 3 winners can get prizes. So, although we can enter the first page on google.com, we may not be able to get the prize. In addition, the scope of this contest is also the world. This contest will be followed by the SEO experts from around the world. Are you ready for oes tsetnoc?

Fragrance, Special Birthday Gift for My Girlfriend

December next month, my girlfriend's birthday will be celebrated. I want to give a birthday gift which really special for her. Ring, shirt, or a doll is an ordinary birthday gift. I was looking for ideas. When I read a health and lifestyle magazine, I saw there was an article about Fragrances buying guides. I think a perfume would be a special gift for a birthday gift.

However, I am still confused in choosing a suitable type of fragrance for my girlfriend. I also asked my mother about the kinds of perfume. My mother is an avid collects all things 80s style. He loved to use the classic women's perfume, especially from the Calvin Klein perfume. I also tried to breathe my mother's Calvin Klein perfume . Apparently, the smell of perfume is very seductive. This perfume is very suitable to be used by a wife who wants to seduce her husband. I think the classic perfume is not suitable for my girlfriend.

I went back to read the magazine. On the next page, there is a list of Award Winning Fragrances. The list is taken from shopwiki.co.uk/wiki/Fragrances, a perfume store site in the UK. The list includes some of the perfume that got Fifi Fragrances of the Year, Basenotes Awards, and cew awards. One perfume that was awarded is L'Oreal Flowerbomb. I also remembered that my girlfriend really likes the products from L'oreal. The magazine explained that the perfume products available at the perfume store site. I also plan to buy it through online perfume store because holiday is over so I can not go to the UK in the next few months. I think this perfume gift will be a very special gift for her.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Noordin M Top Was Dead?

Almost all television was filled with news about the death of Noordin M Top. Since this morning, one television station aired a show about the ambush scene a terrorist nest in Solo. According to the news, this terrorist ambush nest has been made since last night at around 23:00. Inside the house there are 4 people consisting of 3 men and a woman who was pregnant. Noordin M Top suspected of hiding in the house. Shootout is inevitable that killed residents of the house.

This afternoon, the news about terrorists getting warmer because the police estimate Noordin M Top is one of the victims died. Almost all television stations were showing the news of the death of the perpetrator in the case of Indonesia bomb blast. All eyes were on the news about the existence of common fingerprints belonging to one victim with Noordin's fingerprints. All eyes were waiting for the certainty of DNA test results.

News about "mudik" before "Lebaran", the news about the plane's air force dropped, as well as other hot news sunk because all eyes focused on the death of Noordin M Top. Let's hope we do not forget the case of disputes between the KPK and the police even though we are too busy waiting for the certainty of death of most wanted men in Indonesia. May we also do not sink the case of Century Bank is making a lot of people crying because of losing money. We also hope that there is no time bomb that exploded again.


If you wanna make the move
then you better come in
it's just the ability to reason
that wears so thin
living and dying and the stories that are true
secret to a good life is knowing when you're through

black coat, white shoes, black hat, cadillac
yeah, the boy's a time bomb

well, he's back in the hole where they got him living
like a rat but he's smarter than that nine lives
like a cat fifteen years old,take him to the youth authority home
first thing you learn is that you got to make it
in this world alone


now he's gotten out, hes gotten free, hes gotta go, got a car
hes 21 years old he's runnin' numbers from the bar
his pager's beepin' he's gettin' deep in
whatever he can move on in you know that kid's a creepin'

the boy’s a time bomb

tears come from the razor that's been tattooed below
his eye his mother cries she knows that he is strong enough
to die he's rollin' in the cadillac it's midnight sunroof is down
three shots rung out the hero's dead,
the new king is crowned.

[Chorus x2]
ohh, time bomb

The TIME BOMB LYRICS are the property of the respective authors, artists and labels, the lyrics are provided for educational purposes only , If you like the song, please buy relative CD to support Rancid.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Colloidal silver as antibiotics in the clothing

I had fun seeing the health problems that are hot in the U.S. within 7 days. One of the topics that stuck out was Colloidal Silver. I really do not understand what Colloidal Silver was. Finally, I decided to ask Google why the much talked about Colloidal Silver. One article mentions that Colloidal Silver can be used to prevent the spread of swine flu.

I also opened the HighWire to find the relationship between swine flu and Colloidal Silver. It turned out I did not find a journal that mentions the relationship between the silver with a virus. However, I instead found a study on the effects of Colloidal Silver inhibits the growth of bacteria. Research conducted by Korean researchers studied nanosized Colloidal silver solutions are embedded in the fabric. How the results of this research? Unfortunately this journal is not published for free, so we have to pay to see how a piece of cloth could inhibit bacterial growth.

If only a cloth could have an antibiotic effect, this will be very useful in countries that many infectious diseases such as Indonesia. The clothes we wear can inhibit the spread of infection. Hopefully, the scientists also examined Indonesia and utilize this technology.

Math Tutoring on Holidays

School summer holidays has arrived. However, for children 3 grade schools, especially high school and junior high school, vacation does not mean not learning. National Exam will be held soon. One of the subjects of the most feared is Mathematics. So, we are not surprised if it's a lot of math help program.

I also have sisters who were still sitting in class 3 high schools and class 3 junior high schools. In the past, beside follow the guidance of math program, they also have a private math tutor. However, tutors are currently married and therefore could not guide my sisters again. Now, they just follow the tutorial program 3 times a week. In addition, tutoring location is also very far from home, about 15 km. This is certainly not very effective because it is very draining. So often my sister was sleepy when she got there. Especially if there is activity at night, my sister often can not follow these activities. If rain, she certainly could suffer flu because she was rained for 30 minutes. If she can follow the free online math tutoring, she would be more comfortable.

Since this is vacation time, tutoring institutions also holiday. My sister wanted to keep learning. However, it is currently very difficult to find tutors because many people who are returning to the village during the holidays. I also want to guide my brother but in two weeks there are some examinations at medical school. This morning, my friend told me that there is sites online math tutoring. Upon hearing this, I am very interested. Learning online course will be very practical because we do not have to go far. This helps me because my house away from the tutoring location.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

How can we have a terrifying dream?

terrifying dream
Today I was very curious about why we often experience terrifying dreams when we are stressed and preoccupied. I also opened high-wire, the site that provides many medical journals. Here is a quote from one of the journals that explain why we can have nightmares.

Studies have shown that various limbic structures are differentially active during dreaming. Maquet et al. used positron emission tomography (PET) and statistical parametric mapping to ascertain which structures are active during REM sleep. Using 30 healthy, right-handed males, they demonstrated that, over three nights of observed sleep, the hippocampus was relatively inactive, whereas the cingulate gyrus and, especially, the amygdaloid complex demonstrated increased cerebral blood flow and elevated EEG activity. Braun et al. also used PET data, with 10 healthy male subjects, to determine that limbic and paralimbic structures are highly active during REM sleep. Amygdalofugal pathways to the right parietal operculum, entorhinal cortex, thalamic nuclei, dorsal mesencephalon, and pontine tegmentum were also found to be activated during REM sleep. These areas, in addition to the visual association cortices, were suggested to function as a "closed unit" during REM sleep.

In terms of general limbic function, the hippocampus appears to be responsible for the processing of "cool," episodic, explicit experiences, whereas the amygdala is active during emotional activity that is often implicit and tied to conditional fear and aggression responses. It appears that the amygdala and its connections with the hypothalamus and lower brainstem areas become engaged when an individual is under stress. This limbic structure also facilitates the organism's efficiency in processing threatening information and quickly initiates response mechanisms to successfully avoid threat. In other words, the "hot" emotional processing system that is activated during waking hours to assist in the detection of threat is also highly active during REM sleep.

From these quotations, we may conclude that the hippocampus will be activated when we're relaxed and having a pleasant experience. In contrast, the amygdala would be activated when we are in a distressed condition. It turned out that the amygdala activation was still continuing when we're asleep. This is what causes terrifying dreams.

So, how to stop a terrifying dream? Maybe we need to stop dreaming and start action, so we are not afraid anymore!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Should we be afraid of leprosy?

leprosy symptoms
If we hear the word "leprosy", it struck some terrible things in our minds. We will imagine a highly contagious disease disgusting. We are afraid to close with a leper because we are afraid of contracting. We also could have imagined would undermine leprosy sufferers until the patient's fingers off by itself which also occurs in diabetic patients.

Our fear of leprosy is excessive. Leprosy is an infectious skin disease. Transmission of leprosy can be through many ways such as through touch as well even through the bacteria that we breathe. However, among other infectious diseases, leprosy is a disease that most low-level transmission.

Some skin diseases journal stated that "from 100 people who are exposed to the bacteria Mycobacterium leprae, there are only 5 people will have leprosy germs in his body. From the 5 people who carry the leprosy bacteria, only 3 people will contract leprosy but is still in the mild stage. Two of them will suffer light leprosy which will heal by itself. Only one person will suffer severe leprosy that requires medical treatment.

Leprosy is not easily transmitted through skin contact such as shaking hands. Transmission of leprosy requires intensive skin contact. However, I have not found a journal that mentions a period of skin contact can transmit leprosy.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Lirik Meraih Mimpi untuk Sang Visioner

film lirik meraih mimpi
Saat melihat daftar film yang akan segera tayang di bulan september ini, saya menjadi termotivasi lagi untuk mewujudkan mimpi Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner. Film 3 Dimensi tersebut berjudul Meraih Mimpi. Film ini merupakan deretan film yang akan segera ditayangkan di 21 bersama Preman in love, Ketika Cinta Bertasbih 2, dan Maling Kutang. Habis liat jadwal film di studio 21 ini, jadi pingin liat Meraih Mimpi dan KCB 2 aja nih. Tanggal 17 September harus siap-siap antri di XXI biar bisa dapet tiket premier KCB 2.

6 Hari lagi, atau 5 hari sebelum KCB 2 Premier, kontes Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner akan segera memasuki fase puncak dimana pemenang yang akan mendapat jutaan rupiah akan segera diumumkan. Berbekal blog dari demang jogloabang, saya juga menikmati serunya belajar seo di kontes Rusli Zainal. Meski belum pernah menyentuh halaman satu google, harus tetap semangat dalam meraih mimpi di kontes ini.

Iringan motivasi dan dukungan dari kang suryaden yang berusaha mengembalikan jati diri bangsa dengan cinta bertasbih, inspirasi dan wejangan dari annosmile yang akan segera meraih mimpi dalam stop dreaming start action, menghapus kata "menyerah" dan mewarnai perjalanan untuk terus mengejar posisi Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner. Tidak ada kata untuk berhenti untuk meraih mimpi di kontes ini.

Biar tambah semangat dalam meraih impian Sang Visioner, berikut ini ada lirik lagu meraih mimpi yang dibawakan oleh J-Rocks.

Meraih Mimpi , J-Rocks

Mari Berlari Meraih Mimpi
Menggapai Langit Yang Tinggi
Jalani Hari Dengan Berani
Tegaskan Suara Hati

Kuatkan Diri dan Janganlah Kau Ragu
Tak Kan Ada Yang Hentikan Langkahmu

Reff J-Rocks Yayakita Kan Terus Berlari
Yayatak Kan Berhenti Di Sini
Yayalarilah Meraih Mimpi
Yayahingga Nafas Tlah Berhenti

ku Akan Bertahan
Hadapi Rintangan
Perlahan-lahan dan Menang
Jalani Hari Dengan Berani
Tegaskan Suara Hati

Kuatkan Diri dan Janganlah Kau Ragu
Tak Kan Ada Yang Hentikan Langkahmu

Tak Ada Yang Tak Mungkin
Bila Kita Yakin
Pastilah Engkau Dapati

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Serunya Belajar SEO

belajar seoSerunya belajar seo bagi setiap orang tentu berbeda-beda. Bisa terasa menyenangkan, bisa pula membosankan. Bisa membuat penasaran, tapi bisa juga membuat kita harus minum obat sakit kepala untuk meredakan migrain. Respon brain cortex dan limbic system tiap orang pasti berbeda saat mendengar kata seo maupun mendengar kata belajar.

SEO, meski hanya terdiri dari 3 huruf, bisa menimbulkan persepsi yang berbeda dari tiap orang. Bisa jadi seseorang memikirkan sebuah rokok dji sam soe saat mendengar kata seo. Bisa pula seseorang membayangkan burung beo saat melihat rangkaian huruf tersebut. Bahkan mungkin, akan ada orang yang berimajinasi makan oreo saat kelaparan karena saking serunya belajar seo!

Begitu pula dengan kata belajar. Setiap orang akan memiliki respon yang berbeda saat mendengar kata belajar. Ada yang menganggap belajar bagaikan sedative drugs yang akan membawanya ke dalam indahnya mimpi. Namun, ada pula karena saking serunya, belajar seo bisa menjadi psychoactive drugs yang akan membuatnya insomnia hingga terlarut dalam indahnya malam.

Sungguh menakjubkan otak manusia yang mampu menampilkan berbagai respon terhadap suatu stimulan. Gumpalan yang meliuk-liuk yang akan selalu menambah tautan setiap ada stimulan. Apapun hasilnya mari kita nikmati saja serunya belajar seo!