Saturday, September 20, 2008

Serangan DDOS Menimpa ClixMX

Sudah 2 hari ini, beberapa situs PTC terpercaya tidak bisa diakses. Salah satunya adalah ClixMx. Hal ini dikarenakan serangan DDOS sedang menimpa beberapa situs PTC. Salah satunya adalah ClixMx. Meski sedang terkena DDOS, ClixMx masih aman dan terpercaya. Tanya kenapa?

Admin ClixMx tidak pergi begitu saja ketika situsnya sedang terkena serangan DDOS. sang admin secara proaktif terus memberikan kabar-kabar terbaru kepada member-membernya agar tidak terjadi kepanikan di seluruh dunia. :D
Berikut ini pernyataan dari admin ClixMx melalui is under DDoS attack.
Hello, (Sep 19th, 13:13hr)
We are almost ready. While we verify DNS settings, you can access the website at
Jose Manuel Admin

ello, (Sep 19th, 6:43hr)
Nothing really new to report. We are still working on the server.
I know there have been many sites closing because of these kinds of attacks, some people have contacted me and ask me if we are closing too. I just want you to know that we are NOT closing the site. We will be back online stronger than before.
Thank you all for your patience and support.
Jose Manuel Admin

Hello, (Sep 18th, 13:35hr)
Now we really are under DDoS.
We are working to get this fix as soon as possible. Site has been down for almost eight hours now, but I believe we can have it back up before the end of the day.
All your information is safe. I will be posting any news here.
Contact us at if you have any questions.
Jose Manuel Admin

Melihat pernyataan dari admin ClixMx tersebut, memeber ClixMx tidak perlu khawatir lagi. ClixMx merupakan situs PTC yang aman dan terpercaya.

1 comment:

  1. wah bahaya tu...penghasilan berkurang..o iya saya ada PR buat kamu...dateng ya..
