You may need to update plurk using bot when you are on a vacation. You will lose a lot of karma point if you don't update your plurk while vacation. You can enable karma vacation to prevent loosing a bunch of karma point. You just lose 0,5 karma point when enabling it. But, any way to increase karma point although you can not update plurk because of vacation? You still can maintain the karma points, and even increase it, although you do not update the status of plurk. You can achieve that with the help of the bot. How to use bot to update plurk?
You can update plurk using bot through several ways. The easiest way is using and lettermelater.
1. Create an account at and log in to your account.2. Go to email setting.
3. Save your email address.
4. Create an account at and log in to your account.
4. Click "Compose" button in the upper right.5. Fill email address in "To" box.
6. In the subject box, fill @pl then continue with the status plurk you want. You can also use plurk emoticon by typing the emoticon code manually.
7. Set the update status schedule by filling in the date in "When to send" box. If you want the status is sent every day, every week, or every month, give a check in "recurring" box.
8. Click the "Schedule to be sent" button, then your status will be updated on the schedule that you set.
You can update plurk using bot through several ways. The easiest way is using and lettermelater.
1. Create an account at and log in to your account.2. Go to email setting.
3. Save your email address.
4. Create an account at and log in to your account.
4. Click "Compose" button in the upper right.5. Fill email address in "To" box.
6. In the subject box, fill @pl then continue with the status plurk you want. You can also use plurk emoticon by typing the emoticon code manually.
7. Set the update status schedule by filling in the date in "When to send" box. If you want the status is sent every day, every week, or every month, give a check in "recurring" box.
8. Click the "Schedule to be sent" button, then your status will be updated on the schedule that you set.