Previously, I have never know about Talk Like a Pirate Day. After plurk launched pirate emoticon, I find out information about this parodic holiday. It turned out that Talk Like a Pirate Day was first created in 1995 by John Baur and Mark Summers. On this day everyone must speak in a style like a pirate. Why on this day people have to talk like a pirate?
On one day, Summers and Baur playing racquetball. One of them suffered injuries and shouting "Arrr!" Moans are similar to the pirate cry. Shouts typical pirate "Arrr!" or "yarrr!" was first heard in 1934 that is in the film Treasure Island. The word "rrr" is then always associated with pirates.
Well, to use emoticons pirate, you also have to shout like a pirate. Type (yarr), then the pirate emoticon will appear.